The Entourage Effect: How Different Cannabinoids Work Together to Enhance the Cannabis Experience.

The entourage effect is the effect produced from the synergistic interaction of the cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and fatty acids naturally found in cannabis.



Tetrahydrocannabinol – or THC – is one of many Cannabinoids found in Cannabis. When consumed it creates psychological and euphoric effects. THC is unique because it attaches to both your CB1 receptor – which produces the high – and CB2 receptor which produces physical effects throughout your body. THC can have strong effects on your mind, memory, and perception. It may cause feelings of unease or hallucinations when high amounts are consumed.


Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is a psychoactive Cannabinoid similar to THC, but with a different profile of pronounced mental and physical effects. It is known to be an appetite suppressant, rather than causing the “munchies” like THC. Studies have shown when consumed in low doses, it does not bind well with CB1 receptors, whereas in higher doses it can cause these pathways to open up – intensifying the euphoric effects of THC.


Cannabinol (CBN) is produced by the natural degradation of THC. This occurs when heat, light, and time are applied that degrade the quality of THC, causing it to convert into CBN. CBN is a slightly psychoactive Cannabinoid that is about 1/10th as potent as THC. It has a wide variety of medical benefits that are increased when synergy occurs with other Cannabinoids, including anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-pain and appetite increasing properties. CBN can also increase your body’s natural levels of Endogenous Cannabinoids.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has recently taken the spotlight as the Cannabinoid that produces strong therapeutic and medicinal benefits. It is non-psychoactive and is useful to bring you “back to earth” if your high is too uncomfortable or causing anxiety. It can change the behaviour of THC by toning down the psychological effects while maintaining the power of the medicinal effects.


Cannabidivarin is a non-psychoactive Cannabinoid that is similar to CBD in its chemical structure. Studies have shown CBDV to help with treating nausea and seizures due to its anticonvulsant properties. It has the ability to react with pain receptors and when used with other Cannabinoids can provide great pain relief.


Cannabichromene (CBC) is a non-psychoactive Cannabinoid that does not bind well to your CB1 or CB2 receptors. It is produced by the plant in an enzymatic process that converts CBGA, into CBCA – which converts into CBC when heat, light and time are applied. It is unique because it reacts with a number of other receptors found within your body, causing a chain reaction that indirectly activates your CB1 and CB2 receptors. It does this by increasing your body’s natural Endogenous Cannabinoids – Anandamide and 2-AG. This chain reaction can cause Endogenous Cannabinoids and Exogenous Cannabinoids to have a greater effect when working in conjunction with one another.


Cannabigerol (CBG) is the starting point for a majority of the prominent Cannabinoids found in Cannabis. THCA, CBDA , CBCA and more all started as CBG in the early stages of the plant growth. CBG converts into these acidic cannabinoids through a natural process that occurs throughout the lifespan of the Cannabis plant. The acids can be converted to their activated forms when heat, light and time is applied (Example: THCA into THC). This process is called decarboxylation. Although CBG is nonpsychoactive, it reacts with both your CB1 and CB2 receptors. It is known to promote synergy between a variety of Cannabinoids, helping them to work together to provide a balancing effect to your high, and increases the presence of Anandamide (a natural Endocannabinoid) in your body. It is being considered as an anti-depressant as some studies have shown it has the ability to block serotonin receptors – the natural occurring chemical that determines your mood.


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